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Driver Complaints Handling Policy
Driver Complaints Handling Policy
Alexandros Siamos avatar
Written by Alexandros Siamos
Updated over a week ago


Welcome Pickups is committed to being responsive to the needs and concerns of our drivers and to resolving any complaints as quickly as possible.

The policy has been designed to provide guidance to both our Drivers and our Operations team on the manner in which Welcome receives and manages your complaint.

The objective of this policy is to ensure:

  • You are aware of our complaint filing and handling processes,

  • Both you and our Operations team understands our complaints handling process

  • Your complaint is investigated impartially with a balanced view of all information or evidence,

  • We take reasonable steps to actively protect your personal information,

  • Your complaint is considered on its merits taking into account individual circumstances and needs.

Definition of a Complaint

In this policy a complaint means an expression of dissatisfaction by a driver relating to the service provided by us.

How you can make a complaint

If you are dissatisfied by the service provided by us, you should firstly consider speaking with the member of the Operations team you have been dealing with. If you are uncomfortable with this or consider the relevant team member is unable to address your concerns, you can lodge a complaint with us in one of the following ways:

  • By sending us a message through the Welcomer app

  • By telephoning us on our Support line

If we receive your complaint verbally and we consider it appropriate, we may ask you to pit your complaint in writing.

The Information You Will Need To Tell Us

When we are investigating your complaint we will be relying on information provided by you and information we may already be holding. We may need to contact you to clarify details or request additional information where necessary. To help us investigate your complaint quickly and efficiently we will ask you for the following information:

  • Name and contact details

  • The nature of the complaint

  • Details of any steps you have already taken to resolve the complaint

  • Details of the conversations you may have had with us that may be relevant to your complaint

  • Copies of any documentation which supports your complaint

Feedback to Drivers

Welcome Pickups is committed to resolving your issues at the first point of contact, however, this will not be possible in all circumstances, in which case a more formal complaints process will be followed.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three (3) business days. Once your complaint has been received, we will undertake an initial review of your complaint.

There may be circumstances during the initial review or investigation of your complaint where we may need to clarify certain aspects of your complaint or request additional documentation from you. In such circumstances we will explain the purpose of seeking clarification or additional documentation and provide you with feedback on the status of your complaint at that time.

We are committed to resolving your complaint within 10 business days of you lodging your complaint, however, this may not always be possible on every occasion. Where we have been unable to resolve your complaint within 10 business days, we will inform you of the reason for the delay and specify a date when we will be in a position to finalise your complaint. During the initial review or investigation stage we may need to seek further clarification or documentation from you to

assist us in resolving your complaint.

If we have sought clarification or additional documentation from you and we are waiting on you to provide this information, we may not be able to meet our 10 business day finalisation commitment. In such circumstances upon receipt of your clarification or additional documentation we will indicate to you when we expect to be able to finalise your complaint.

Once we have finalised your complaint, we will advise you of our findings and any action we have taken. We will do this in writing, unless it has been mutually agreed that we can provide it to you verbally.

You have the right to make enquiries about the current status of your complaint at any time by contacting us.

Our Complaint Handling Process

We acknowledge:

Within three business days of receiving your complaint we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint.

We review:

We undertake an initial review of your complaint and determine what if any additional information or documentation may be required to complete an investigation. We may need to contact you to clarify details or request additional information where necessary.

We investigate:

Within 10 business days of receiving your compliant we will investigate your complaint objectively and impartially, by considering the information you have provided us, our actions in relation to your dealings with us and any other

information which may be available, that could assist us in investigating your complaint.

We respond:

Following our investigation we will notify you of our findings and any actions we may have taken in regards to your complaint.

We take action:

Where appropriate we amend our business practices or policies.

We record

We will record your complaint for continuous improvement process and monitoring through regular review, your personal information will be recorded in accordance with relevant privacy legislation.

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