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Dispatcher tool: Introduction

How to set up the dispatcher tool / Function of the different tabs

John Poulis avatar
Written by John Poulis
Updated over 4 years ago

Please also take a look at the following related article: Dispatcher tool: Functions and Usage

A. How do I set up the Dispatcher tool?

  1. Welcome Pickups will create your user and company profile in the system

  2. You will receive an email from Welcome Pickups with the possibility to create a password to log into the Dispatcher tool

  3. The first time you log in, you will be asked to give your consent to our terms and conditions

  4. Your user and company profile is activated

B. Overview of the different tabs

A. Transfers tab:

1. Upcoming tab: In this tab, you can find all the upcoming transfers your company has to operate. You can also select for which specific days you would like to see the upcoming transfers (Today, Tomorrow, any specific date selection).

2. Past tab: In this tab, you can find all the Past transfers your company has operated. You can also select for which specific days you would like to see the Past transfers.

B. Drivers Tab

In the Drivers tab, you can see a list of all the Active, Inactive, Pending drivers in your company:

C. Vehicles Tab

In the Vehicles tab, you will find an overview of the Approved and Pending vehicles you have in your fleet:

D. Revenue tab

In this tab, you will find an overview of all Pending payments + the Past Payments and Invoices you have already received:

Clarification of the Pending payments terminology:

  • Today: this number represents the total amount made out of the transfers your company operated today

  • Scheduled payment: this number represents the total amount of all operated transfers that haven’t been paid out yet to your company

  • Rides this week: this number represents the total amount of rides that your company operated in this specific week

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