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The registration flow for new drivers

How to register via our website in order to become a driver

John Poulis avatar
Written by John Poulis
Updated over 3 years ago

When a new driver wants to join our company, they can register on our website via the following link:

The following steps should be followed:

Step 1: Click on the "Become a driver" button:

Step 2: Click on "Start here":

Step 3: Follow the next steps in which you will have to insert your name and select the city of operation:

Step 4: Select the type of license you have:

Step 5: Select the brand and model of your vehicle:

Step 6: Select which days you are available to work:

Step 7: Select the shifts you usually work:

Step 8: Fill out your contact details and click on "Submit Application":

Step 9: Select the level of your knowledge of the English language:

Step 10: Add a video to introduce yourself:

We would recommend that you upload this video as it will enhance your chances of getting hired by our company.

Step 11: Fill out the different sections indicated in red that are missing info and documentation:

  • Billing and Payment details: In this section, you will fill out:

    • The details of your bank account (IBAN, account holder name, etc.)

    • Your invoicing info (VAT number, Full name, Address, etc.)

  • Vehicle Details & Amenities: In this section, you will fill out and upload:

    • The specific details of your vehicle

    • The pictures of your vehicle

    • The baby seats you might possess

  • Upload your documents and photos: In this section, you will upload:

    • A picture of your license

    • A profile picture

    • A picture of your car insurance

    • A picture of a bank statement of your bank account (that shows IBAN and account holder name)

  • Add your Schedule and Availability: In this section, you will select your work Schedule:

Step 12: Depending on our recruiting needs in your city, a member of our recruiting team might get in contact with you in order to arrange an interview.

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